Russian Baha’i Census

For Baha’is decimal places don’t count! Baha’i Faith transacts only in hundreds. Small currencies don’t exist. And now, this has been seen in Russia! 
No one would believe that behind the solid iron curtain and fool proof government watch, such manipulations can prosper! Strange but true, the Baha’i Faith official census can fool all systems.
Going by the words (and not spirit) of deceased guardian of Baha’i Faith – Shoghi Effendi - "Bahá'u'lláh has entrusted the sacred duty of every Baha’i to spread the Faith", the Baha’is have found an easier way to spread the faith. SPREAD THE NUMBER!
It is high time world takes a serious note of such dubious claims. Else soon we may find Baha’i population being reported more than the world population! How can one explain the strange classification of world population into ‘Baha’is’ and ‘Not yet Baha’is’ by Baha’i Administration (The Arbabs, Mohajirs and Razavis)? Such publicity should be questioned and the Baha’i Faith office bearers be held accountable.
It is interesting to note that claiming more numbers can give Baha’i Faith (read Baha’i cult) tremendous benefits. 

Shocking disclosure by BAHÁ'Í NEWS I N D I A

The recent monthly circulation of Baha'is, The BAHÁ'Í NEWS I N D I A ISSUE VII JULY 2010 has revealed shocking facts, through an article titled “Preparations of Government of India Census 2011”, These are summarized as under:

1.     There have been rigorous conversion activities over the past fifty years by the Baha’i Faith.

2.      These conversions were accelerated with the construction of the Lotus Temple at Delhi and with the visits of Hands of the Cause Dr. Rahmatulláh Muhájir, and Amatu'l- Bahá Ruhiyyih Khánum.

3.      Though the Baha’i records of the data on Baha’i population shows that one time it had crossed two millions yet the Census of India reports of 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001 show only a fraction of the total number Baha'is throughout the country. This means that the census department of India fumbled four times to give accurate number of Baha'is. Just to cite an example, Baha’i census figures in 1991 was 5575 and in 2001 it was 11,324 against 2.2 millions claimed by the Baha’i administration.


by Ravian Bilani

There has always been confusion in the Population of the Baha'i Faith followers in every country, since its ORIGIN. Regarding their numbers, "Millions" is the usual figure claimed by them.

World Bahai Census

Recently two articles posted on net effectively analyzed exaggerated Baha’i census. One “Exit by troops”
( and the other “Three types of Baha’i census of India”.

The first article is a very moderate view of the author, whereas the second article “The Three Type of Baha’i census of India” is much deeper analyzation supported by documents authenticated by figures.

The common point in the two analyziations is the fact that One reason for this huge discrepancy in Baha’i census is that’ no one is ever removed from the membership rolls unless they write a letter to the National Center renouncing their belief. So a person who becomes disillusioned and simply drifts away can remain on the rolls indefinitely. Once a Baha’i then always a Baha’i even after his death.’

There is another opinion by Mr. Larry Rowe who believes that “The gross exaggeration of world Baha'i membership numbers is meant to placate all those who have been promised entry by troops for the past 80 years. The gross exaggeration of the number of actual Baha'is in India goes hand in hand with the inclusion of tens of thousands of people who signed declaration cards in North America in the past 20 to 40 years and that was it; they never truly became Baha'is they simply put their name on a card like you would on a Zellers card and never followed it up. Also the many others who signed declaration cards but who have become inactive and no long believe in the Baha'i faith or have actually joined other religious communities but have never taken the time to resign and have been addressing unknown for many years.”

Well I feel that the real cause for such a huge exaggeration in Baha’i census is much deeper and that is ‘well planned strategy of Baha’i administration centered at Haifa to show to the world high acceptability and success so as to claim that Baha’i Faith is one of the major religions of the world. It can be considered as the thirteen unwritten principle of Haifa based organization. All the counselors, ABMs assistant and members of LSAs are trained to work towards achieving this goal. The one who is more expert in this exaggeration is promoted much higher in the Baha’i Organization.

The Ruhi book courses are just to collect the addresses and to claim these are bahais. False stories are fabricated that the whole world is just dying for doing Ruhi books and to be converted. Whereas the fact is that many countries have deported Bahais for prolyesting children and Junior youths as young as fifteen years and in many countries the Priests have warned the bahais not to do any moral classes with Christian children they may do it only for Baha’i children.

There is virtually no Baha'is in continental Europe. Very few in Holland, similar in Spain, Germany and France, fewer in Italy. From a demographic point of view this may as well be "zero."

The Bahais claim to be about 5,000 in the UK but who knows what that means, and it is not a lot anyway. Likewise the CIS countries have very few Baha'is. Almost none in China. So, with Europe, Eurasia and China out of the way, where are they?

There are 60,000 adult Baha'is with good addresses in the US, 12,500 in Canada. These are addresses only! It means the aim of Ruhi Books courses are implemented very successfully. Actually they are not more than 500 in US and same number in Canada

The Middle East is likewise very small. Mostly Persians who married deceitfully Arab women’s without giving their Baha’i identity and then claiming their Baha’i children as citizen of that country.

There are 2,000 at most in the Arab world mostly Iranian pioneers. There are less than 30,000 registered Bahais in Iran. Maybe 200, mostly Iranian refugees, in Turkey.

Not more than 1500 in Pakistan (mainly former Hindus, mainly rural peasants).About 500 in Bangladesh

There are 300 in Thailand. There were 400 in Vietnam before the revolution, but few are likely to remain. There are very few, then, in all of Southeast Asia. There are only a few hundred in Japan, and a similar number in Korea. East Asia is a wash.

All that is really left is Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and India. 2.2 millions are claimed in India but the official census of Government of India say the exact number of Baha'is are only 11,324. Indians like to 'join' things, but go on being Hindus.

The claim of millions of Baha'is in Latin America is also fake. Mexico appears to have almost none. Columbia and Bolivia may have few hundreds each, to my recollection, but that is not the same as millions.

The biggest community was Uganda. But it has been greatly disrupted in the last 2 decades by war and dictatorship, and one doesn't know how many are left.

The Baha’i movement contains no potential for growth .It has only vertical potential of growth in terms of different sects originating in small time of 160 years. ( The 7 million reported to Encyclopedia Britannica by someone in Wilmette or Haifa is....wish fulfillment rather than a solid social science statistic. This high exaggeration also points towards a high level of frustration which is developing amongst members of Haifa based organization. At any point of time the Baha’i population in the World is not more than hundred thousand (0.1 million).

Baha’i Faith is essentially Persian dominated organization .It is no where near Christianity. It is not the fastest growing religion, it is not the most widespread religion after christanity.Yes it may be the most comfortable religion, well then that is not a religion.



Baha’i population now stands at 6 millions minus 2.2 millions

It is indeed a notable act that the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of India deleted the figure “2.2 million Bahais” from Official site of Bahais of India. But it is equally regretted that the actual number of Bahais which is 11324 was not put instead to give the exact number of Bahais to its viewers and as a mark of respect for the dedicated census official of India who went door to door for carrying out such a huge census.

The Number of Local Spiritual Assemblies in India

As the Bahai administration is dishonest in reporting the number of Bahais in India. Similarly they show the same duplicity and dishonesty in reporting the number of Local spiritual Assemblies of India as well.This emphatically reveals that there is something indeed wrong about the aim and purpose of bahai administration.

I do not know how to solve the above problem, except to be completely honest and open to the Bahais of India and to people who may be interested in the Faith. It does little good to 'hide' things,It may be very unpleasant for the bahai who comes to know the things after a few years in the Faith.At that time he will feel cheated and left with only two options either to leave the Faith or become disenchanted.


The number of LSAs can be classified into three groups

1-Pre Muhajir Era (1923 to 1954)

The National Spiritual Assembly was formed in 1923. Since then till 1954 in roughly 30 years there were only 30 lsas reported.

2-Muhajir Era (1956 to 1983)

This era was from 1956 to 1984. In span of 28 years, the number of LSA reported was 10,000.

3-Post Muhajir Era (1984 to 2010)

Then since 1992 the number of LSAs started decreasing and at present the Bahai administration claims to be 500 LSA in India which is just 5% of the LSAs reported in 1984.
According to me the actual number of LSA in any state is not more than 10.The working LSAs are only few metropolitican cities which has a substantial Persian bahais like Mumbai, Pune Panchgani etc.


Believe me, I observed this phenomenon over and over during my years as a Baha'i.
1-Bahai Faith is essentially a NGO dominated and run by Persians. The Indians are kept away from the membership of important committees and they are suppose to do all the running to gather all the false statistics
2-It is clear that Mr.Mohajir was sent by the House to exaggerate the census.A job intrusted to Mr. Omid at present.
3-The purpose was to give a false impression to the Govt. of India and the whole world that the Bahai Faith has truly become a world religion.
4-To acquire minority status in India.

                                                          Former member of NSA of India