This is another communication in a series of communications posted earlier on the fraudulent claims of the Bahai Faith members.
We were deceived by the numbers through the 1980's till 2010 when the official census of India was carried out. As per the same there were not more than 12000 Bahais, whereas the Bahai members proclaimed number as 2 million. When this lie was exposed, the Bahai Faith members became defensive and popularized an excuse that many Faith members do not identify themselves due to social pressures.
Then data started pouring in from different parts of the world and it was found that the same trend is observed.
The decade 2010 to 2020 saw the Bahai Faith members only fighting fire. With every report there was a demoralizing effect. This affected many Bahai Faith members and gradually they left the Faith. It is an exodus from 2015 till date. More skeletons keep tumbling from the Vault of Lies of the Bahai Faith.
Being frustrated of defending against every such report, the Faith members have now given up even registering a mild protest.
The recent census from UK re-affirms what is mentioned earlier. Census of 2011 indicated only 5021 members. Recent census of 2021 indicates 4709 members. All the efforts of advertising on buses and one to one proselytizing has not yielded results. So, in the last ten years the Bahai membership showed a decline by 6.6%. Is this what the apex organisation of the Bahai Faith, The Universal House of Justice calls the fastest growing religion.